Artwork by Mozchops for Prophets of the Ghost Ants
Leaf Cutter Ants Return to Mound PalzhadThe Fission Parade DepartsAnand Sees His Reflection in the BlowflyPriests Flying the Living Kites of the Ant NuptialsThe Fission Pioneers March through Mushrooms A Ghost Ant Arrives at the Ball of Mound PalzhadThe Priests Arrive for the Fission LotteryAnand Attacked by a Moon RoachThe Dranverite’s CommanderAnand Defends his Father from the ForemanA Gift for AnandThe Birth of the PrincessA Ghost Ant of HulkrenCaptured by a Night WaspGathering of the Roach ClanAnand Dreams of Riding Into War
Images for a prototype of a graphic novel of Prophets of the Ghost Ants with art by Atula Siriwardane and colors by Rachelle Rosenberg, Nok B. Adan and Andrew Green.
The cover for the German version of the book – Die Geisterameisen von Hulkren Published by Festa Verlag through the Deltus Imprint with art by Arndt Drechsler.
Original indie cover with art by Juan Bastos
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A Bitch for God will be available at Amazon August 22, 2023
The Ghost Ants of Grylladesh is available at Amazon
The Prophet of the Termite God is available at Amazon